Watching Sarah Mollica In Igniting Passions

Sarah Mollica In Igniting Passions


Playboy Plus
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Sarah Mollica has a thing for cars. Returning for her third feature from the photographer Emmy Pickett, Sarah works on her bike as the camera captures her. "I discovered Playboy when I was young [through] my dad's collection," says Sarah of her journey with Playboy. "Now I'm in it! I feel so happy to be a part of it. The Playboy brand shows fun, confident, and open women." Sarah is usually always on a set working, but she loves relaxing at home when she has a bit of downtime. "My guilty pleasure is getting every snack possible and eating them all at once," she laughs. "I like to think I'm really fun, [but] I'm also really weird." See more from Sarah Mollica, only here on Playboy Plus!

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